2014 Sigma Xi Annual Meeting

Delegate Duties and Responsibilities

November 6-9, 2014
(Student events on Nov. 7-8)
Renaissance Glendale Hotel 
Glendale, Arizona USA

Designated (Voting) Delegate Duties and Responsibilities

  1. Delegates must meet the requirements set forth in the Constitution and Bylaws concerning delegate eligibility.
  2. Delegates must pre-register to attend the meeting. Registration during the meeting is not permitted for Designated Delegates due to the approval process required of voting delegates.
  3. Delegates are expected to attend all Assembly of Delegate sessions which shall meet annually in General Session at which time the delegates shall consider and act upon business as may be required.
  4. Delegates are expected to attend any Regional and Constituency Caucuses at which time the delegates may meet and conduct such discussions and business as may be required.
  5. Delegates are expected to review information provided in the 30-day e-mail notice as set forth by the Bylaws.
  6. Delegates are expected to attend chapter workshops and sessions which provide support and information concerning Society business, organizational structure and chapter responsibilities.
  7. Delegates should report results of the Annual Meeting to their chapter officers and members.
  8. Delegates are asked to interact with student attendees offering support, encouragement and advice for a career in scientific research.
  9. Delegates are expected to adhere to the Policy on Respect governing all meeting attendees.

Additional Delegate Duties and Responsibilities

  1. Additional Delegates must meet the requirements set forth in the Constitution and Bylaws concerning delegate eligibility.
  2. Additional Delegates must pre-register to attend the meeting. Registration during the meeting is not permitted for Additional Delegates due to the approval process required as a potential voting delegate.
  3. Additional Delegates must be ready to act as the Designated Delegate for their chapter in the event the original Designated Delegate is unable to fulfill their duties and responsibilities during the Annual Meeting.
  4. Additional Delegates are expected to attend all Assembly of Delegate sessions which shall meet annually in General Session.
  5. Additional Delegates are expected to attend any Regional and Constituency Caucuses at which time the delegates may meet and conduct such discussions and business of the Society.
  6. Additional Delegates are expected to review information provided in the 30-day e-mail notice as set forth by the Bylaws.
  7. Additional Delegates are expected to attend chapter workshops and sessions which provide support and information concerning Society business, organizational structure and chapter responsibilities.
  8. Additional Delegates are asked to interact with student attendees offering support, encouragement and advice for a career in scientific research.
  9. Additional Delegates are expected to adhere to the Policy on Respect governing all meeting attendees.

Signup for Meeting Emails

Interested in: (check all that apply)


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