Sigma Xi Annual Meeting & International Research Conference 

2014AMIRClogolargeNovember 6-9, 2014
Student events November 7-8, 2014
Renaissance Glendale Hotel
Glendale, Arizona USA

Meeting Information

The 2014 Sigma Xi Annual Meeting features leadership training, talks by award winning scientists, debates on critical science policy issues related to water (co-sponsored by the Institute on Science for Global Policy), and discussions on the future of Sigma Xi.

Special guest speaker, Dr. Donna Nelson - professor of organic chemistry at the University of Oklahoma, who served as science advisor to AMC's popular show, Breaking Bad. Dr. Nelson was selected as an advisor for the program after reading an article in Chemical and Engineering News about how the show's producer was seeking ongoing chemistry advice involving the program's main character, Walt (an organic chemistry high school teacher). 

She will speak about her experiences of working with media programmers and why it is so important to get the science correct in TV and film. Dr. Nelson specializes in the application and characterization of the single-walled carbon nanotube. 

Featured Speakers (Award Winners)


Rosalind W. Picard
Walston Chubb Award for Innovation


Thomas H. Epps, III
Young Investigator Award


David Rosner
John P. McGovern Science and Society Award


Jenny Glusker
William Procter Prize for Scientific Achievement


Derek Muller
Honorary Member


Michael Stevens
Honorary Member


For information on the 2014 International Research Conference, click here.


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