#SciCommMake 2022
The theme of #SciCommMake 2022 is Public Health for All. Teams will be tasked with determining the best way to communicate the complexities of public health to diverse audiences in a way that will lead to more immediate, inclusive, and just access to services.
Participants will be paired into teams at the International Forum on Research Excellence, powered by Sigma Xi, The Scientific Research Honor Society in November 2022. Teams will spend a month meeting with coaches and preparing their project pitches. They will work to develop creative projects to communicate science related to public health and inclusion. Winning teams will be selected by a panel of expert judges to receive up to $1,500 in funding prizes to develop their projects over the next three months. The winning teams will present their projects at the Association of Science Communicators’ 2023 Science Talk conference.
About this year's theme
Public health doesn’t just mean medical care, it’s a comprehensive approach to community, education, and equity. As Victor J. Dzau, president of the National Academy of Medicine, and his colleagues wrote in PNAS Nexus in 2022, “responsibility for solving these challenges lies far beyond the health and medical arena. They are fundamentally connected to changes in our environment, our communities, our cultures, how we live and work, and society writ large.”
Access to public health services often isn’t straightforward, and those who need services the most often lack the time or resources to find what they are entitled to receive. In addition, some public health problems, such as pollution or disaster recovery, are overwhelming on an individual level.
This #SciCommMake event will focus on public health messaging that empowers and engages underserved audiences. Funding preference will be given to teams that develop evidence-based communication projects and artistic creations that promote engagement or advancement of equitable and just solutions to public health concerns or access.
Please visit the #SciCommMake FAQ page for more information.