Criteria for Curricula Vitae

Nominations for Sigma Xi Awards (Procter Prize, McGovern Award, Chubb Award and Young Investigator Award) should include a Curriculum Vitae (CV) of approximately 2 pages. The suggested format follows a modified version of the National Science Foundation (NSF) format. A NSF formatted CV will be accepted as an alternative. The preferred format includes:

  1. Education 
    A list of the individual's undergraduate and graduate education and postdoctoral training as indicated below:

    • Undergraduate Institution(s): Major, Degree, and Year
    • Graduate Institution(s): Major, Degree, and Year
    • Postdoctoral Institution(s): Area and Inclusive Dates (years)
  2. Appointments
    A list, in reverse chronological order (going back no more than 10 years), of all the individual's academic and professional appointments beginning with the current appointment.


  3. Publications/Patents
    A list of up to 10 publications or technical reports as examples of the nominee's research. Each publication identified must include the names of all authors (in the same sequence in which they appear in the publication), the article and journal title, book title, volume number, page numbers, and year of publication. If the document is available electronically, the Website address may also be identified. Patents, copyrights and software systems developed may be substituted for publications. Additional lists of publications, invited lectures, etc., must not be included.


  4. Funding/R & D Leadership
    A list of the 10 most recent awards received - sponsor, start and end date, amount of funding, title, and indication of status (PI, or Co-PI). A list of projects where the nominee served in a leadership role.


  5. Synergistic Activities
    A list of up to five examples that demonstrate the broader impact of the individual's professional and scholarly activities that focuses on the integration and transfer of knowledge as well as its creation. Examples could include, among others: innovations in teaching and training (e.g., development of curricular materials and pedagogical methods); contributions to the science of learning; development and/or refinement of research tools; computation methodologies, and algorithms for problem-solving; development of databases to support research and education; broadening the participation of groups underrepresented in science, mathematics, engineering and technology; and service to the scientific and engineering community outside of the individual's immediate organization.


  6. Mentoring
    An indication of students, postdoctoral scholars or groups in the broader community who have been affected by the mentorship or research activities of the nominee.