2024 Sigma Xi Election Results
Members of Sigma Xi, The Scientific Research Honor Society elected their peers to leadership roles in an online election held November 18–December 2, 2024. Sigma Xi thanks all members who voted or volunteered to run as candidates.
David Allison was elected to be Sigma Xi’s incoming president-elect. On July 1, 2025, he will begin a three-year term that will consist of one year each as president-elect, president, and immediate past-president. Dr. Allison is Dean and Distinguished Professor at Indiana University School of Public Health–Bloomington, and a lifetime member and elected Fellow of Sigma Xi.
“I am honored to have been elected by my peers as President-Elect of Sigma Xi,” said Allison. “It is one of very few national societies that represents and celebrates the unity of all sciences, and of those few, the most student-focused. Sigma Xi cultivates and shares the joy of wonder and awe in science, while remaining ever vigilant and active in promoting the utmost rigor and trustworthiness in scientific research. I am delighted to serve our students, my fellow scientists, and the scientifically-minded public overall.”
An elected member of the National Academy of Medicine, Dr. Allison, has conducted extensive original research on obesity and nutrition, contributed to research education, and promoted research opportunities for others.
All newly elected leaders are listed below with their Sigma Xi chapter affiliations. President, treasurer, directors, and associate directors will serve three-year terms beginning July 1, 2025. Committee on Nominations representatives began three-year terms immediately following the election.
The Board of Directors is principally responsible for managing the activities, property, and affairs of the Society in accordance with the policies established by the Assembly of Delegates. The Board of the Society simultaneously serves as the Board of the Corporation. Sigma Xi’s elected leaders are volunteers and are expected to meet the commonly held standards of professional ethics and scientific integrity. Sigma Xi seeks diverse and inclusive participation in all its elected and appointed positions. Calls for nominations for future elections will be posted at sigmaxi.org. Questions and nominations for vacant positions should be directed to elections@sigmaxi.org.
Congratulations to the following winning candidates: