Lectureship Visit Report

The Committee on Lectureships values feedback on your experience hosting a Sigma Xi Distinguished Lecturer.  Chapters that receive subsidy assistance to host a Lecturer must complete the form below after the speaker's visit.

Other hosts may also provide feedback using the form below.  Please contact us if you need immediate assistance with the Lectureship Program.

Host Chapter Information

Name of the Chapter hosting the Distinguished Lecturer
Chapter representative submitting this report
Email address of person submitting form

Event Information

Number of attendees who were not Sigma Xi members nor students
Please describe the activities involving guest lecturer (seminars, discussion groups, workshops, etc.).

Evaluation of Event

Contacts with Lecturer in preparation for the visit.

Lecture Presentation

Appropriateness of subject matter for the event

Opportunity for discussion

Opportunities for interaction with the speaker outside of the lecture


We value feedback of your experience in hosting a Sigma Xi Distinguished Lecturer.  If you have a problem with a lecturer that needs immediate attention, or if you need your chapter subsidy funds disbursed, please contact our offices by email