2014 Sigma Xi Annual Meeting

Delegate Guidelines

November 6-9, 2014
(Student events on Nov. 7-8)
Renaissance Glendale Hotel 
Glendale, Arizona USA

General Guidelines for Delegate Eligibility

Although Sigma Xi encourages as many members as possible to attend the Annual Meeting, chapter delegate representation is limited to one Designated (Voting) Delegate and up to two Additional (Non-voting) Delegates. The designated delegate MUST be pre-approved by Sigma Xi administrative offices before they can register for the Annual Meeting.

  1. For the Designated Delegate to attend the meeting and to be eligible to vote at the meeting, the chapter must be in GOOD STANDING. The annual requirements for good standing are as follows: 1) submit a chapter annual report, 2) submit a list of officers, 3) initiate at least one new member over a period of two years and 4) send a delegate to at least one Annual Meeting over a period of three years.
  2. Any Delegate must be an ACTIVE (dues paid) member of Sigma Xi. Active members are those whose dues for the fiscal year July 1, 2014 - June 30, 2015 have been paid.
  3. Any Delegate must be a FULL member of Sigma Xi. For information about promotion from Associate to Full Membership for the Annual Meeting, please contact us at 800-243-6534 or e-mail chapters@sigmaxi.org.

Reporting a Delegate

Each eligible delegate must be designated (approved) by the officers of the chapter that he/she will represent. A chapter officer may designate a delegate by sending an e-mail with the delegate's Member ID and Full Name to chapters@sigmaxi.org. Once a delegate has been designated by the chapter officers AND approved (per the criteria above) by the administrative offices, that individual will receive specific instructions for registering for the Annual Meeting.

Signup for Meeting Emails

Interested in: (check all that apply)


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