Delegate & Member Opportunities for Participating

Members have a variety of opportunities to participate in networking activities during the Annual Meeting. To get more information about participating in any of the following, please check the appropriate box on the delegate registration form.

  1. Bring Students to the Student Research Conference: The Sigma Xi Student Research Conference is a large component of the Sigma Xi Annual Meeting and offers a tremendous opportunity for both students and advisors. Many Sigma Xi chapters have sent students to the previous conferences and the result has been positive for everyone. Members planning to attend the Annual Meeting should consider bringing one or more student researchers to participate in this excellent opportunity. Encourage participation in the Student Research Conference by posting a Promotional Flyer around your campus or institution.
  2. Judge Student Research Conference Poster Presentations: One of the goals of combining the Sigma Xi Annual Meeting & International Research Conference is to foster interaction between students and researchers. All non-student members attending the Annual Meeting are encouraged to volunteer as judges for student poster presentations. This commitment will not require delegates to miss any other Annual Meeting activities. An option to judge is included as part of registration.
  3. Professional Research Poster Presentations: In celebration of the interdisciplinary nature of Sigma Xi's culture, members are encouraged to share a poster presentation highlighting their own research. In addition to allowing delegates to engage in scientific exchange, the presentation of scientific posters allows Student Research Conference presenters to participate in dialogue with professional researchers about their work. Career scientists and engineers are encouraged to be present at their posters to discuss their findings during a designated Q&A session. Refer to the conference schedule for the time and location. Posters will remain on display throughout the conference. The space allotted for each poster is 4' x 4', and presentations should be prepared in advance of the meeting. An abstract is required and will be printed in the conference program. After you have successfully registered, please send your abstract via e-mail to
  4. Chapter Posters: For Chapter Delegates Only.  Each Annual Meeting features Chapter Posters that remain on display throughout the meeting. Delegates are encouraged to work with their chapter colleagues to prepare a poster that includes information about chapter activities, approaches to attracting new members and any other valuable information. We invite chapters to participate in the exchange of best practices in chapter management and program development. Bring a poster and highlight your chapter's accomplishments this past year! Chapter poster participation is open to members only. A poster presentation option will be available to choose during online registration.

    Chapter posters can be formatted similar to scientific posters for professional meetings or may be informal presentations with materials and brief accompanying notes. The space allotted for each poster is 4' x 4', and presentations should be prepared in advance of the meeting. An abstract is not required, however you must let us know you are bringing a poster so that space can be assigned to you. You may select this option during registration. Delegates may present both Chapter and Scientific posters. Members who are not delegates may only present a professional research poster.


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