W. Raphael Hix

2006 Young Investigator Awardhix

William Raphael Hix received his B.S. in physics/astronomy and mathematics at the University of Maryland and his Ph.D. in astronomy at Harvard University. He has been on the research staff at Oak Ridge National Laboratory since 2004, and a member of the Theoretical Astrophysics group there since 1997. He is also an adjunct assistant professor at the University of Tennessee at Knoxville. Hix is described by colleagues as one of the most talented young researchers in theoretical nuclear astrophysics in the world today. His expertise is in nucleosynthesis--the study of the cosmic origins of the elements that make up the world and everything in it. He is studying a wide range of astrophysical events, including novae, supernovae, X-ray and gamma-ray bursts. He is also known for mentoring students and communicating the excitement of science to the general public. He and his wife, Dacia, are the proud parents of Ronan and Lorelei.



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