Solomon W. Golomb

2012 William Procter Prize for Scientific Achievement

GolombSolomon W. Golomb at University of Southern California has been selected to receive Sigma Xi's 2012 William Procter Prize for Scientific Achievement, the society's highest honor. While assistant chief of the Telecommunications Research Section at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Golomb played a key role in formulating the design of deep-space communications for lunar and planetary explorations.

Golomb, while completing his Ph.D., spent a year in Norway as a Fulbright Fellow. He then worked as a Senior Research Mathematician at Jet Propulsion Laboratory, later becoming Research Group Supervisor and then Assistant Chief of the Telecommunications Research Section, where he played a key role in formulating the design of deep-space communications for the subsequent lunar and planetary explorations. Golomb, who joined USC as a professor in 1963, is a member of the National Academy of Engineering and a Fellow of both the IEEE and AAAS. He received the USC Presidential Medallion in 1985, was awarded the title of University Professor in 1993 and won the Shannon Award of the Information Theory Society of the IEEE in 1985. He has received numerous awards and medals, as well as two honorary doctorate degrees. He was appointed the first holder of the Viterbi Chair in Communications in 1999. He holds a joint appointment in the Department of Mathematics.

Dr. Golomb was awarded the Procter Prize at the 2012 SETA Conference at the University of Waterloo, Canada.


Dr. Jerry Baker, Executive Director presenting Dr. Solomon Golomb with the Procter Prize.


Dr. Jerry Baker, Executive Director presenting the certificate to Dr. Solomon Golomb.


Dr. Jerry Baker, Executive Director with Dr. Solomon Golomb.

As a part of the William Procter Prize, Dr. Golomb has selected Noah Olsman to receive a $5,000 Grant-In-Aid of Research. Olsman is originally from Los Angeles, California and, in 2008, began studies at the University of Southern California majoring in electrical engineering and minoring in mathematics.