R. Graham Cooks

2011 Monie A. Ferst AwardGraham_Cooks

Graham Cooks is Henry Bohn Hass Distinguished Professor of Chemistry at Purdue University and Director of the Center for Analytical Instrumentation Development. He is a pioneer in the conception and implementation of MS/MS and of desorption ionization. These interests led to the construction of miniature ion trap mass spectrometers and their application to problems of trace chemical detection. His work on ionization methods has contributed to the ambient ionization methods including desorption electrospray ionization. Some inventions and concepts introduced by Graham Cooks are ion soft landing, neutral loss scans, the use of matrices in ionization, multiple reaction monitoring (MRM), single reaction monitoring (SRM), hybrid mass spectrometers, handheld mass spectrometers, the kinetic method of thermochemical determination and MS/MS for mixture analysis.

Graham Cooks is a past President of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry and the International Mass Spectrometry Society and a Life Member of the British Mass Spectrometry Society. He is the recipient of the ACS awards in Mass Spectrometry and in Analytical Chemistry, the Robert Boyle and Centennial Medals of the Royal Society of Chemistry. He has published 920 publications and has an H-index of 80. Several inventions have been commercialized and three companies launched from his lab. Professor Cooks' served as major professor to 119 Ph.D. students.



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