Michael Stevens

2014 Honorary Member


Michael Stevens is the creator and host of Vsauce, a YouTube channel—which now includes Vsauce2Vsauce3, and WeSauce—that generates interest and enthusiasm for learning.

The Vsauce channels "...investigate weird questions, looks at the science, math, history, geography of interesting things. And by interesting I mean anything" Stevens has said

His videos tackle questions such as “Why Do We Get Bored” and “How Big Can a Person Get?”

As of March, 2014, Vsauce had nearly 7 million subscribers and more than 576 million views.

Stevens holds a bachelor’s degree in neuropsychology from the University of Chicago, as well as a bachelor’s degree in English literature.

A random name generator was used to come up with the term “Vsauce.” Stevens comes up the ideas for his videos from conversations with others, or comments he receives from viewers. To create his videos, he researches, performs, shoots, and edits the video footage. Stevens turns to academic papers, lectures, Wikipedia, conversations with sources, and other videos to research his topics. 



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