Fred Gould, Krisztian Magori and Yunxin Huang

Fred Gould, Krisztian Magori and Yunxin Huang received the first Bugliarello Prize for their article "Genetic Strategies for Controlling Mosquito-Borne Diseases" in the May-June 2006 issue of American Scientist. Gould is a professor in the departments of entomology and genetics at North Carolina State University. For 25 years he has studied how insect pests adapt to human attempts to control them and how humans could design new ways to stymie that adaptation. He is part of teams supported by National Institutes of Health and the Gates Foundation to examine transgenic approaches for taming mosquitoes that transmit dengue virus. When the article was written, Magori and Huang were both postdoctoral researchers in Gould's lab. Magori now works for Oxitec, a biotech company in Oxford, England. He received his doctorate in biological physics from Eötvös Loránd University in Budapest. Huang received his doctorate in applied mathematics from the University of Utrecht. Both have been developing predictive models to guide research aimed at alleviation of human diseases. The judges wrote that "Authors Gould, Magori and Huang have earned the Bugliarello Prize with a clear and thoughtful discussion of important research that addresses challenging questions facing global human society. They ask: Can science save millions of lives by sensitively deploying genetic engineering against disease-spreading insects-yet do so without upsetting the ecological balance of the planet? These authors have performed a vital service by articulating the scientific, ethical, social and policy challenges presented by their research into control of mosquito-borne diseases."



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