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Explore Interdisciplinary Collaborations at the Annual Meeting and Student Research Conference

October 28, 2020

Featuring a wide variety of session topics, the Sigma Xi Annual Meeting and Student Research Conference on November 5–8, 2020, is a virtual conference for STEM students and professionals who want to explore interdisciplinary collaborations, including those between STEM and the arts. The following is a preliminary list of sessions:

Move Track Symposium: Emotion and Cognition for Robotics Using Animal Inspiration

Speaker: Vijay Kowtha, MASER, Inc. 

See Track Research Presentation: Advancing Art Therapy Research Using Contemporary Neuroimaging Technologies

Speaker: Juliet King, Associate Professor of Art Therapy, George Washington University.

Science Communication, Education, and Public Engagement Track Panel Discussion: The Lead Risk Problem: Historical and Current Status 

Organizers: Joseph Cotruvo, President, Joseph Cotruvo & Associates, LLC, and Sonya Smith, Professor of Mechanical Engineering, Howard University 

Lighting Up the Senses: Science Communication Through Video Workshop:

Presenters: Allison Coffin, Associate Professor, Washington State University Vancouver and Kirsten (Kiki) Sanford, Broader Impacts Productions.

Research Enterprise and Professional Development Track Workshop: Crafting an Application for Non-academic Careers: How to Highlight Transferable Skills

Presenters: Adriana Bankston, Principal Legislative Analyst, University of California Office of Federal Governmental Relations, and Nicole Catanzarite, PhD candidate, University of Maryland Neuroscience and Cognitive Science Program.

Research Ethics Track Panel Discussion: Look Out for Privacy Pirates! The Need for Ethics in Algorithms

Organizers: Leslie Gruis, National Security Agency (retired) and Ramon Barquin, CEO, Barquin Solutions, LLC.

More sessions will be posted at