May 01, 2019

The Northeast Regional Sigma Xi Conference was held at Quinnipiac University on April 24. Students from any discipline who are involved in a systematic investigation from the university and the surrounding area were invited. Fifty-five abstracts were accepted. These students displayed posters for two hours.
See the complete abstract booklet.

Poster Winners
Congratulations to the 2019 top poster presenters!
- Function of an Aging-Associated MicroRNA in Splicing Homeostasis in C. elegans
Liat Levy and Alexandre de Lencastre
Department of Biomedical Sciences, Quinnipiac University; Department of Biological Sciences, Quinnipiac University

- The Use of Multi-quadric Interpolation in Polynomial-based ENO Stencil Selection Procedure: Challenges and Numerical Experiments in Matlab
Rahimyar Abdul and Dr. Stavros Christofi
Western Connecticut State University, non-Quinnipiac University Graduate student; Western Connecticut State University, Mathematics

- The Effects of Metformin on MicroRNA-71, Stress Resistance, and Aging in Caenorhabditis elegans
Kipp Hopper and Dr. Alexandre de Lencastre
Quinnipiac University undergraduate student; Quinnipiac University Biomedical Sciences (Hopper had to leave before photos at the awards ceremony)
Quinnipiac Sigma Chapter Executive Board
- President/Secretary, Marcy Sanders
- Vice President, Neil Schultes
- Treasurer, Alex Hodges
- Program Chair, James Kirby
- Membership, Neil Schultes
- Nominations, Harry Pylypiw
- Webmaster, Lisa Cuchara