Texas A&M University Provost Honored with Teaching Award

October 17, 2018

Media Contact:
Heather Thorstensen
Manager of Communications
Sigma Xi, The Scientific Research Honor Society
hthorstensen@sigmaxi.org or (919) 549-4691 ext. 216

Carol Fierke

RESEARCH TRIANGLE PARK, NC—Carol A. Fierke, the provost and executive vice president of Texas A&M University, has been selected to receive the 2018 Sigma Xi Monie A. Ferst Award, sponsored by the Georgia Institute of Technology Sigma Xi Chapter. Since 1977, the award has honored science and engineering teachers who have made notable contributions to motivating and encouraging research by educating students. The award consists of a medal, $10,000, and a day-long symposium on November 6 at Georgia Institute of Technology focusing on the achievements of Fierke's former students. 

Fierke, who is also a professor of chemistry and a professor of biochemistry and biophysics at Texas A&M University, runs a research group with an overall goal of understanding the structure, function, and biological relevance of metalloenzymes and RNA catalysts and the development of enzyme inhibitors as therapeutic agents. She was previously the chemistry department chair and vice provost and dean for graduate studies at the University of Michigan. Among her previous awards is the 2016 American Chemical Society’s Award for Encouraging Women into Careers in the Chemical Sciences.  

"We are very pleased that, for the first time in over 20 years, the Monie A. Ferst award is bestowed to a woman in science," said Georgia Institute of Technology Sigma Xi Chapter President Zhuomin Zhang. "Fierke is an international leader in her research field, a fantastic mentor, and a great educator." 

The first woman to receive the award was Marye Anne Fox in 1996. 

She was selected by a committee consisting of Sigma Xi’s southeast regional director, a Ferst family member, and the current and immediate past president of the Georgia Institute of Technology Sigma Xi Chapter, plus several members-at-large that include previous Ferst Award recipients. The chapter is accepting nominations for the 2019 award through April 1. Learn more at sigmaxi.org/programs/prizes-awards/monie-ferst

Updated on 12/12/18.



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