Student Research Grant Applications Due October 1

August 21, 2018

GIARlogo for homepageSigma Xi invites undergraduate and graduate students to apply for a research grant by October 1. The Grants-in-Aid of Research (GIAR) program application is available at Awards in this cycle will be dispersed in January 2019.

GIAR application deadlines are March 15 and October 1 each year.

In the spring 2018 cycle, GIAR awarded approximately $191,000 to nearly 200 students. These undergraduate students, master’s degree students, and doctoral candidates from nine countries are using their grants to tackle a diverse set of projects, from understanding stardust to investigating the effects of larvicides.

Funds from the National Academy of Sciences and from gifts make the grants possible. GIAR funded 20 percent of the grant applications received in the previous cycle, but it could award more grants in future cycles if the program receives more gifts. Sigma Xi is committed to strengthening the GIAR program, which has awarded student research grants since 1922. To make a gift to GIAR, go to



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