Chapter Grant Applications Are Due March 1

December 13, 2017

Sigma Xi chapters are resources in their communities for promoting and supporting science and engineering research—a task for which the Society provides support. Applications for the following funding opportunities are due on March 1. 

Science, Math, and Engineering Education (SMEE) Grant

Amount: $2,000
How the funds may be used: To provide one-time seed money to help a chapter initiate innovative programs related to science, math, and engineering education 
Application tip: Matching support from other resources greatly enhances a chapter’s chance of receiving a SMEE grant. 

Diversity Grant

Amount: Up to $1,000
How the funds may be used: To provide one-time seed money for innovative diversity programs that help promote STEM to underrepresented groups in regard to gender, race, ethnicity, mental or physical disability, socioeconomic status, age, religious affiliation, cultural background, national origin, or sexual orientation.
Application tip: Plan to help underrepresented groups achieve sustained involvement in STEM.

Distinguished Lecturer Subsidy

Amount: Varies 
How the funds may be used: To subsidize a presentation from a Sigma Xi Distinguished Lecturer
Application tip: Coordinate the visit with nearby chapters to share travel costs.  

Multi-Chapter Grant

Amount: Up to $2,000 for two-year collaborations
How the funds may be used: To support a range of collaborations among Sigma Xi chapters, such as those that develop the science and engineering workforce or promote ethical research practices. Collaborations may be virtual or in person. 
Application tip: Incorporate sustainability measures so the collaboration will continue beyond the two years of the grant. 

Chapter officers can get more information in the Officer Resource Center or by emailing



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