Chapter Grant Award Recipients Announced

August 25, 2017

Sigma Xi is committed to diversifying its membership, its programs, and the broader scientific and engineering research community. The Society welcomes participation by individuals from groups that are historically underrepresented in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). 

To help achieve this mission, Sigma Xi offers chapter grants and teacher stipends. The Society encourages award applicants to collaborate with other chapters or to identify matching support from other sources that can enhance the effectiveness of their proposed initiatives. Grants are normally awarded to new projects as a onetime source of support. 

Sigma Xi’s Committee on Qualifications and Membership has announced the following recipients of this year’s chapter grants. 

Diversity Grants

Diversity Grants provide up to $1,000 in seed money for chapters to use to initiate innovative diversity programs that promote inclusion of individuals from underrepresented groups. Diversity may reflect gender, race, ethnicity, disability (mental or physical), and/or socioeconomic status. The Society awards Diversity Grants to chapters that organize outstanding programs to promote diversity within the science, engineering, and research communities.
• The Rush University Chapter was awarded $1,000 for its proposal “Enhancement of Motivation of Minority Students for Research Doctoral Program.”
• The University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill Chapter was awarded $1,000 for its proposal “Second Annual Diversity in STEM Conference.” 

Science, Math, and Engineering  Education (SMEE) Grant

The SMEE Grant provides up to $2,000 for chapters to fund innovative education programs. 
• The Texas A&M University Chapter was awarded $2,000 for its proposal “Learning by Seeing: A Visualization-Based Education for Manufacturing Science and Engineering.” 



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