John C. Nemeth
Education and Research Consulting
For distinguished, ethical contributions to the scientific enterprise through university teaching and research, environmental consulting, community service, and nonprofit administration including as Sigma Xi CEO
"Sigma Xi is so much to me, membership, being executive director/CEO, nominated for president, now an inaugural Fellow, still there are moments. Experiencing the Nobel laureates hall, noting who displays our membership certificates, but tops is the young poster presenter running and gushing, 'Dr. Nemeth, do you remember me?' I did."
John C. Nemeth, PhD, was invited out of retirement to become CEO and executive director of Sigma Xi in October 2015 and was honored to serve in that capacity through June 2017. During his tenure, he implemented a series of administrative and human resources improvements at the headquarters and several Society-wide improvements in communication and interaction with the Board of Directors, the delegates, and the approximately 500 chapters worldwide. Perhaps, the most significant accomplishment was re-establishment of the national presence of Sigma Xi and active participation in influencing national scientific and research policy.
He was vice president for University Partnerships at Oak Ridge Associated Universities (ORAU) for over eleven years. During his tenure, he established and developed ORAU’s University Partnerships enterprise into the nation’s largest science and technology university consortium consisting of 122 university and college campuses, including 99 major research institutions.
At Georgia Tech, Nemeth was director of the Environmental Science and Technology Laboratory and head of the Environmental Science and Technology Program of GTRI, both of which centered on applied environmental sciences and engineering projects totaling nearly $15 million per year and a staff of over 100. He was jointly appointed as professor in of the schools of Applied Biology, Civil & Environmental Engineering, and Earth & Atmospheric Sciences.
He established the firm Education and Research Consulting in September 2009. Along with a cadre of over 200 associates, he and his principal associate, Grace Toney Edwards, PhD, work with universities here and abroad, scores of federal and state agencies and departments, and numerous firms in private industry. He is active in many organizations, and is a AAAS Fellow, while serving on several boards including the American Junior Academy of Science, National Association of Academies of Science, and Blue Ridge Discovery Center. He recently served on the National Academies’ Committee on Under-represented Groups and the Expansion of the Science and Engineering Pipeline.