Submission Deadline
11:59 p.m. Pacific Time on Friday, July 31, 2020
Sigma Xi is pleased to invite abstract submissions for its virtual Annual Meeting and Student Research Conference, featuring the interdisciplinary theme Hacking the Brain: The Intersection of Art and Neuroscience.
This conference will showcase emerging trends and challenges across a broad spectrum of topics, including multidisciplinary science/art collaborations, behavioral sciences, creative arts therapies, neuroscience of aesthetic experience, data visualization, communicating science through arts, brain’s response to music, and innovative strategies for integrating arts in STEM education and research. The event brings together cross-disciplinary thought leaders, artists, communicators, and innovators working at the intersections of arts, sciences, medicine, technology, engineering, mathematics, and education to provide complementary perspectives on how the convergence of arts and sciences can advance scientific endeavors.
The Program Committee invites submissions for sessions and presentations including symposia, oral and/or poster research presentations, panel discussions, and workshops. Conference program submissions are open to all researchers, engineers, technologists, ethicists, artists, and communicators worldwide. Contributed sessions will be scheduled for November 6-7, 2020. Membership in Sigma Xi is not required for submissions.