Student Research Showcase Presentation Submission

Due March 22, 2017.  Please use the form below to submit information for your Student Research Showcase Presentation.  Projects with multiple presenters should submit this form once.

For contact purposes only. Will not be published or made public.

Researcher Advisor

Presentation Information

Formal title of presentation to appear on certificate and other official acknowledgements.
Please limit to 260 characters (including spaces). Short description of presentation that will appear on the Student Showcase site.
Link to student created presentation site
Please provide any special instructions we should relay to judges such as private access passwords or other helpful information. This information will not be made public.
Presentation Image
Please upload an image that we can use to represent your presentation on the Sigma Xi Student Showcase Site. The image may be of you or your research. Please note that the image will be resized to fit 240 (w) x 175 (h) pixels.
By submitting this form, I acknowledge that this project is my own original work, except where I have appropriately cited the original source.



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