2016 Sigma Xi Annual Meeting

Delegate Arrival & Departure Information

November 10–13, 2016
(Student events November 11–13)
Hyatt Regency
Atlanta, Georgia USA

Delegate Arrival

There will be an orientation for first-time delegates that begins at 1 p.m. EST on Thursday, November 10. All other delegates should arrange their travel in order to be in attendance at the first session which is the Assembly of Delegates I. The first session begins at 2 p.m. on Thursday, November 10. Business sessions are held on Thursday, Friday, and Sunday morning to conduct the Society's governance. Delegates must attend during these sessions to adequately represent their chapters at the Annual Meeting. 

Delegate Departure

The Annual Meeting ends at 9:30 a.m. on Sunday, November 13. All delegates should plan to attend the final governance sessions on Sunday morning. Buses will be available (ticket may be purchased during online registration) to take delegates from the hotel to the airport immediately following the conclusion of the final session.

General Description

Delegate assemblies and regional/constituency caucuses, which conduct the Society's business during the Annual Meeting, will be held on Thursday, Friday and Sunday morning. The Student Research Conference, with poster judging, will be held on Saturday morning with award winners announced in the late-afternoon. New this year is the Sigma Xi Research Symposium, which includes professional research presentations on Friday afternoon as well as career development workshops and panels on Friday and Saturday.

Signup for Meeting Emails

Interested in: (check all that apply)


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