Sigma Xi's Annual Meeting and Student Research Conference Sigma Xi's Annual Meeting and Student Research ConferenceSponsors Scientific Research Today: Solving Problems, Answering Questions, and Informing Decisions November 10—13, 2016 Hyatt Regency Atlanta Atlanta, Georgia, USA The Sigma Xi Annual Meeting is the premier gathering for the Society that features professional development workshops and panel discussions on issues related to the advancement of the scientific enterprise. The meeting will also feature leadership workshops for chapter delegates. New this year, we are pleased to add the Sigma Xi Research Symposium and STEM Mixer to the Meeting's Program. The Student Research Conference features high school, undergraduate, and graduate student poster presentations in all fields of science and engineering. The public is invited to attend this meeting. Membership in Sigma Xi is not required to participate. Share your excitement for this year's meeting by using #SigmaXimtg on social media! Conference Agenda Registration Information for Chapter Delegates Hotel and Travel Information Student Research Conference Sigma Xi Research Symposium (NEW!) Networking and Social Events Become a Sponsor or Exhibitor Things to Do in Atlanta Savings in the City Card Sponsors