Good Standing

Ohio State induction photo 

To receive vital local support payments from the administrative office, a chapter must be in "good standing." The annual requirements for good standing are as follows:

  • File a Chapter Annual Report with Sigma Xi Headquarters each fiscal year
  • File a Treasurer's Report with Sigma Xi Headquarters each fiscal year
  • Designate a roster of chapter officers with Sigma Xi Headquarters each fiscal year
  • Elect and initiatevia any mechanism open to the chapter, at least three members or associate members biennially. Chapters in the Area Groups, Industries, State and Federal Labs Constituency may provide a record satisfactory to the appropriate committee (designated by the Board,) illustrating either: a)  contributions to and involvement in improvement of mathematics and science education, or  b)  the promotion of science or engineering to young people. Mercer University Chapter Induction 2015
  • Have a chapter delegate attend the Assembly of Delegates (held annually in connection with the Annual Meeting) at least once every three years.
  • File a copy of Chapter Bylaws with Sigma Xi Headquarters 

A chapter that does not fulfill these requirements is not eligible to receive local support payments or support for delegate travel to the Sigma Xi Annual Meeting.

Not Certain if Your Chapter is in Good Standing?  Contact


Chapter Officers.  Officers of the chapter must be dues-paid active members. Should they lapse in dues payment, notice will be sent to them of their inability to serve until their dues are paid. Should no action be taken, notice will be sent to other officers in the chapter. If no officers are dues-paid, notice will be sent to the most recent past officers of the chapter who are dues-paid indicating that the chapter is no longer in good standing.



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