Recognition and Professional Development

Distinguished Lectureships Program  

This is an opportunity for chapters to host visits from outstanding individuals who are at the leading edge of science. The Lectureship Program is supported by Sigma Xi members with the additional support of partnering organizations like the American Meteorological Society, the National Academy of Engineering, and the National Cancer Institute. To learn more about the Distinguished Lectureships Program click here.

Local GIAR (Grants-in-Aid of Research) 

A local GIAR program can provide undergraduate and graduate students in your community with valuable educational experience they otherwise might not have received. By encouraging close working relationships between students and mentors, a local GIAR program promotes scientific excellence and achievement through hands-on learning right in your own community. To learn more about Grants-in-Aid of Research click here


Research Symposia and Awards
Swathmore Event

Many of our chapters hold research poster sessions annually, either independently or concurrently with an existing event on campus. This is a great opportunity for students and professionals to meet and network, present their research, and attend lectures and workshops about critical issues in research.

Cross-disciplinary Networking Events

Cross-disciplinary networking encourages collaborations among researchers in all fields of research, and provides an opportunity to address common issues.  

Career Options for STEM PhDs 2016