Diversity Program Grant Application

October 1 - Submission Deadline

The Diversity Committee encourages chapter programs that promote inclusion of individuals from underrepresented groups. Diversity may reflect gender, race, ethnicity, disability (mental or physical), and/or socioeconomic status. Applicants are encouraged to think creativity and propose programs that encourage or sustain broad participation.

Criteria for Diversity Program Grant

  • Degree of innovation
  • Extent of community impact
  • Strategy for achieving outcomes with appropriate measures
  • Degree of sustained involvement
  • Ability to be replicated broadly throughout the society and by other chapters

Applicant Information

List all chapters who will participate in this program.
Name of primary contact for this application,

Program Information

Describe the overall scope and goals of the program, and explain the potential extent of impact on the community.
Explain the strategy for achieving outcomes and include indicators of success.
Describe the degree of sustained involvement, particularly in educating and increasing participation of underrepresented groups in STEM.
Identify methods for replicating the program broadly throughout Sigma Xi and by other chapters.

Upload Additional Materials

Letters of support and additional materials, if any, may be attached. Click on the "Select" button, then navigate to the file containing the additional materials. File will be uploaded upon submission.

Please make certain all the information is entered correctly above before you click on the "Submit" button.

Contact the Chapter Services Team if you have questions.



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