2006-2007 Chapter Outstanding Diversity Program Awards

Diversity Program Awards were presented to chapters that have organized outstanding programs to promote diversity within the science, engineering and research communities. Winners were chosen by the Society's Diversity Committee.

The University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff (UAPB), which is an Historically Black University, initiated the UAPB Science Fair Expo in 2006. This is a special event which is independent of the regional science fairs. It has much support from the local community. The intent was to attract high school science projects, primarily from the Southeast Arkansas Delta area. The Central Arkansas Chapter of Sigma Xi agreed to co-sponsor this event, and offer a $100 award to the best overall science project. Judging for the Sigma Xi Award was done separately from the UAPB awards.

Sigma Xi provided four judges who judged between the first place projects in each division, selecting one overall winner. The Sigma Xi award was presented at the Awards Banquet by the chapter President. The presentation was taped and televised by the television station KUAP. The Sigma Xi judges also participated in judging for divisional awards.

The primary goal of this project was to encourage interest in the sciences among underserved minority populations. The population of the Delta region is over 50% underrepresented minorities. 202 science projects were presented in 2007, representing seven school districts. Over 50% of the projects were done by minority students. UAPB plans to continue to offer this event annually, and the Central Arkansas Sigma Xi Chapter plans to continue its involvement.



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