2003-2004 Chapter Outstanding Diversity Program Awards

Diversity Program Awards are presented to chapters that have organized outstanding programs that promote diversity within the science, engineering and research communities.

The Ford Motor Company Chapter worked to support diversity in science and engineering programs at both the high school and community college level. The chapter hosted Saturday morning sessions entitled Real-Life Decision Making: Managing Uncertainty with Statistics. Program participants included students from Detroit area high schools. In addition, the chapter and Ford Motor Company instituted a new program that gives community college students real-world scientific research experience. Most of the participants in this program are women or students of color.

The Rockefeller Chapter arranged for 17 students from inner-city neighborhoods in New York City to have internships at leading research institutions around the city. These students would not normally have access to scientific and engineering internships. The internship program included lectures on research topics.

The South Texas Chapter co-sponsored BrainsRule!, a program that acquaints schoolchildren with the nervous system. The school that participated has an enrollment that is 83% Hispanic and 15% African-American.



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