2001-2002 Chapter Outstanding Diversity Program Awards

Diversity Program Awards are presented to chapters that have organized outstanding programs that promote diversity within the science, engineering and research communities.

Howard University
The chapter challenged the minds of more than 100 eager, middle school minority students through its Science Discovery Day. Following a short motivational talk by a prominent scientist, each team of students is escorted to at least three hands-on, inquiry-based scientific adventures. The exercises are given by graduate students to full professors. Science-based prizes are awarded for Brain-teaser proficiency as well as for participation in the exercises. A parent workshop focuses on courses that are preparatory as well as area programs designed to increase the number of minorities in the science and engineering pipeline.

Middle Tennessee State University
The chapter was a co-sponsor of "Expanding Your Horizons in Science and Mathematics," a career conference for girls in grades 6-8 consisting of some 40 "hands-on" workshops, a keynote address, demonstrations and a luncheon. Scholarships and busing arrangements assured a good mix of participants from many different communities and different social and ethnic backgrounds. Chapter members organized public lectures on "Women in Science," as well as a luncheon meeting titled "Graduate and Professional School for Minorities and Women: Questions and Answers" and a panel discussion on "Perspectives of MTSU Women in Science."



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