2002-2003 Chapter Outstanding Program Awards

Program Awards are awarded to chapters that have organized or hosted a single, outstanding program during the past year. Below are highlights from the chapters.

The Kirksville Chapter has developed a speaker's bureau for local schools involving 26 members and is also working on outreach projects in cooperation with civic groups and the local newspaper.

A series of talks sponsored by the McGill-Montreal Chapter linked the brain, the body and the physics behind movement.

The Saint Joseph's University Chapter sponsored for the 14th year the annual student research symposium with 135 posters presented by students.

As part of the science and engineering fair the South Dakota State University Chapter sponsored, the chapter developed Web-based resources to help the children with their science fair activities.

Members of the South Florida Water Management District Chaptermentored summer interns in environmental sciences and gave informal presentations about resource management at local high schools. They also provided environmental updates for local clubs, citizen action groups and the news media, and interacted with local, state and national elected officials on resource management issues.

The University of Georgia Chapter extended its Encouragement-in-Science Essay competition to all Athens area elementary schools. More than 80 entries made it through an initial screening at participating schools.

Three weekly Science in Your Life lectures were held by the Vassar College Chapter for the purpose of bringing together prominent scientists and the lay public in the exploration of topics of general interest and concern.