Ronald Millard

Professor, University of Cincinnati

Ronald Millard's CV

As a new member of Sigma Xi, and as President of The University of Cincinnati Sigma Xi Chapter, Millard is well positioned to bring a fresh perspective to the Office of Treasurers of the Society. He earned a B.S. degree in chemistry from Tufts University and subsequently served on the Tufts University Alumni Council, earning a doctoral in medical science (systems physiology) from Boston University. He completed postdoctoral training at the University of Washington (Seattle), Scripps Clinic and Research Foundations and the University of California at La Jolla, and at the Maine Medical Center (Portland). He is a Fulbright Senior Fellow (Denmark) and has previously served as a consultant to the Council for the International Exchange of Scholars, The National Academies of Science/Ford Foundations Fellowships Selections, The National Science Foundation and The National Institutes of Health. Millard is also a Fellow of the American Council on Education. He has a successful record of organizing international science meetings, raising sponsor funding, and based on these successes, was subsequently invited to serve as consultant for follow-on science meetings. He has conducted collaborative international research in Antarctica, Alaska, Central America, Europe and Africa with support from the National Science Foundation, The National Geographic Society and the National Institutes of Health, among others. He has held full-time faculty posts at the Harvard University Medical School, Brown University and the University of Cincinnati, where he is a professor of pharmacology and cell biophysics. His commitment to excellence in science has resulted in more than 110 peer-reviewed publications, published chapters and edited books on cardiovascular and pulmonary biology, on chemical candidates for human disease therapies, and most recently on the potential for stem cells for heart tissue repair.



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