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Annual Meeting to Feature Symposium on Big Data in Physics and Astronomy

August 21, 2018

Steve Ritz

Thanks to advances in technology, researchers today have access to extremely large data sets that can be analyzed computationally to find patterns, trends, and associations. Sigma Xi will bring together the research community October 25–28 for its Annual Meeting and Student Research Conference to discuss how scientists and engineers can adapt to the big data era. The meeting, featuring Big Data and the Future of Research Symposia, will be at the Hyatt Regency San Francisco Airport in California.

One of the three symposia will focus on big data in physics and astronomy.  Plenary speaker Steve Ritz is a subsystem scientist for the camera on the Large Synoptic Survey Telescope, which is expected to observe 20 billion galaxies in its first decade of operation.

Other symposia will focus on big data in biology and medicine and big data in climate, energy, and the environment.

To learn more, visit

Photo caption: Steve Ritz will be a plenary speaker at the Sigma Xi Annual Meeting. He is a professor of physics at University of California, Santa Cruz.