News Archive

Membership Dues to Increase for Fiscal Year 2019

December 13, 2017

Sigma Xi's membership dues will increase in fiscal year 2019, which begins July 1, 2018. You can lock in your current rate for up to five years by renewing your membership before December 31, 2017

The increase, approved by the Board of Directors, will allow Sigma Xi to provide more opportunities for members to be involved in Society activities and stay informed about issues and events important to the research community.

This year, membership dues allowed the Society to:

The new membership rates will be as follows. Prices are shown in US dollars. 

Dues rates for membership with digital OR print subscription to American Scientist


 FY2018 rate 

 FY2019 rate












 $45 (no change) 

* Members are eligible for the transitional rate for up to three years after their graduation date.

Members who wish to receive a digital AND print subscription to American Scientist will pay $20 more. 



 FY2018 rate 

 FY2019 rate

 Promotion fees for 
 associate to full membership 


 $10 (no change) 

 Initiation fees for new members 


 $20 (no change) 

If you have questions, please contact