Present Position
Senior Research Scientist, Saudi Aramco Oil and Gas Treatment Division Research and Development Center
Chapter Affiliation
University of Kansas Chapter
Background Information
Sigma Xi holds special spaces in my career as a scientist and engineer. First, when at the induction banquet at the University of Kansas Chapter in 2001, I had the sense, as a first in my family to go to college, much less achieve the Ph.D., of having made an important achievement—having earned membership in the fraternity of scientists. I was so proud. The feeling has never left. Over ensuing decades, extensive travel prevented my deep involvement, but I have remained affiliated through University of Kansas Chapter. Sigma Xi has been my “NPR” of science. Recently, I was elected to the Sigma Xi Committee on Associate Director, representing the Southwest Region, and I have chosen to become more involved.
My efforts would center on attracting young members and assuring the revived and long-lived relevance of the organization. Initial focus would be on redoubling current Society emphases on:
- restoring to Chapter lore and activities the life-long honor it is for young graduates to be inducted,
- urging/supporting Chapters to actively raise programs of interest enough for the membership to invest their time and effort, and
- continuing my career-long pursuit of every avenue available to assure the attraction and retention of women and minorities to our profession.
My career has spanned academia and the private sector for over four decades, encompassing research and education in the classroom and laboratory, university research administration and development, as well as executive roles with major oil and gas consulting firms positions me for leadership in Sigma Xi.