Present Position
Professor of Chemistry, Governors State University
Chapter Affiliation
Argonne National Laboratory
Background Information
Statement (One-year Vacancy on the Committee on Nominations)
I seek this opportunity fill a one-year vacancy on the Committee for Nominations in the Industries, State & Federal Labs area group. My role will be to work with the committee to identify new candidates wishing to further the mission of Sigma Xi.
I became an associate member of Sigma Xi in 1985 and a full member in 1991. Throughout my career, I have tapped into Sigma Xi to attend local talks, to present at chapter meetings, to nominate students and colleagues for membership, to encourage students to apply for Grants-in-Aid of Research, to discuss articles in the American Scientist with students and colleagues, and to incorporate Sigma Xi’s documents on responsibility and ethics into the training of my research students.
Sigma Xi and Other Activities:
I volunteer and member of the board of directors of the Homewood Science Center which is a scientific organization serving the south suburban community of Chicago by inspiring and providing programming in STEAM for children of all ages, families and adults. I also serve as a coordinator for the Spring Bird Count for Will County for the National Audubon Society. I am a member of the American Chemical Society and the American Association for the Advancement of Science.