Lori Eckhardt 

Present Position

Professor, Integrated Forest Pathology/Forest Entomology, School of Forestry and Wildlife Sciences, Auburn University and Coordinator, IUFRO Working Group WP 7.02.06 Disease/Environment Interactions in Forest Decline, Research Group RG 7.02.00 Pathology, IUFRO Division 7

Chapter Affiliation

Auburn University


Lori EckhardtMy broad scientific career has covered both basic and applied research in a variety of fields interacting with academic, government and commercial researchers internationally. Research specialties include virology, mycology, entomology, forestry, genetics, forest products and wildlife sciences and have allowed me to collaborate both locally and internationally.  In addition to my scientific career I have worked in management, fashion, the airline industry and served 20 years as an air crewman in the Navy Reserves.  

I am currently president of the Auburn University chapter of Sigma Xi and I believe that my background has provided to me a diverse understanding of how scientists and policy makers need to work together.  My experiences have taught me that scientists need to communicate better with the public so they are more informed and more trusting of the scientific community.  I would like to be a part of Sigma Xi’s outreach effort to strengthen the Society and increase membership as well as let others know what we are doing and why it is important.  I believe my experiences will help me to make a positive contribution to the leadership of Sigma Xi.

Lori Eckhardt's CV.