Present Position
Professor and Chair of Arts & Sciences, Jefferson College of Health Sciences
Chapter Affiliation
Radford University
Background Information
I am standing for re-election to serve as the Director of Mid-Atlantic Region because I strongly believe in the programmatic emphasis of Sigma Xi: public understanding of science, improving research, and transformational education. Indeed, my 40+ years in academia as a social psychologist and as an administrator have been devoted to all three aspects of our organizational focus. Every chapter in Mid-Atlantic has a vital role in furthering the Sigma Xi focus as well as developing active members of Sigma Xi. I wish to continue working to facilitate each chapter’s accomplishment of that role. We need to ensure that policy makers as well as the general public understand, appreciate, and value science. Similarly, involving students in research is an important mechanism in the development of eventual members of Sigma Xi. Sigma Xi members in Mid-Atlantic chapters can exert a great deal of influence with respect to our organizational focus. Enabling that influence should be an important focus of our constituency, as should increasing the organizational involvement of our constituency. My involvement in Sigma Xi, including my current service as the Chair of the Nominations Committee, Director of the Mid-Atlantic Region, and member of the Committee on Awards, has convinced me of the importance of enhancing organizational involvement among the membership. I would greatly appreciate the opportunity to continue to enhance involvement through serving the Mid-Atlantic Region.