Mukund S. Chorghade
Chapter Affiliation: Princeton
Background Information
I am a serial entrepreneur and an experienced executive with multi-faceted skills, proven record of innovation and exceeding organisational goals. My forte is Creativity in problem solving. I am an ardent cheerleader for sciences, absolute unimpeachability and integrity of ethical professionals is encouraged and promoted by me. Diversity, Equity, and Inclusivity are not buzzwords or fads: we rejoice and do our utmost to spread the “innovate, inspire and be inspired” credo amongst members. I will encourage activities wherein the transforming power of Sigma Xi will be applied to new modalities for discovery, development and the uplift of global Societies and civilizations. I give back to the Society and community I love. I relish the thought of sharing expertise, knowledge, and wisdom; learning and being inspired by colleagues. I will be a guide by the side and not a sage on stage.
My ambitions for Sigma Xi are to keep the flag flying high. We enjoy credibility, trust, and must be a singular resource for technical discoveries, and progression of ideas from mind to marketplace. Sigma Xi is an inclusive and welcoming community wherever members live and work. I wish to ameliorate and eradicate negative public perceptions towards science itself. We must be a unifying community of scholars and an inclusive persuasive voice of insightful rationale, wisdom, optimism, encouragement, and inspiration
Reforming and refining education, tackling unemployment, and defining entrepreneurial initiatives are prominent areas of international interest. I have designed significant programs in entrepreneurship education, stimulation, to assist members. The programs will cultivate new strategic partnerships and make resources accessible to members.
It is my solemn endeavor to promote Entrepreneurship; organize requisite training and mentorship. I will do my best and will give “uniform satisfaction” (courtesy PG Wodehouse). Also, “I shall achieve in time to make the punishment fit the crime.” We will organize very exciting programs, will gain refreshingly new insights and perspectives from the collective wisdom of the assembled network of collaborators. Our teamwork will offer a vision, perchance to dream. and motivation to explore new vistas and ventures. In the immortal words from MIKADO, “Rejoiced such tidings good to hear; the folk flocked from far and near; for “young and old and shy and bold “will be equally affected”. I will spare no effort to ensure success.