Welcome to Keyed In, the blog of Sigma Xi, The Scientific Research Honor Society. This will be the go-to place for Sigma Xi members and others to learn about what’s happening in the science and engineering industry. We will share thoughts and perspectives related to Sigma Xi’s mission, including ideas that deal with the health of the research enterprise, integrity in science and engineering, and public understanding of science, as they contribute to improving the human condition. We will give updates about the remarkable work conducted by Sigma Xi chapters, which are spread across the globe. We will report on trends in research and anticipate where the industry is going. And, we will offer advice to young scientists and engineers. Our ultimate goal is to provide useful information that will lead to a more connected and more effective research community.

  • Making Sense out of the Census: Diversity, Science, and Tomorrow

    by User Not Found | Feb 29, 2016
    Sigma Xi's Southeast Regional Director Richard Watkins describes the state of diversity in science and his efforts at The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill to support positive change.
  • How to Engage More African Americans in STEM

    by User Not Found | Feb 26, 2016
    Watch a recording of this panel discussion, as well as a collection of Twitter posts that were published during the live broadcast.
  • Become a Voice for Science

    by User Not Found | Feb 09, 2016
    Welcome to the first installment of Sigma Xi Speaks! Through this series, we will provide policy-relevant information generated by the Society’s communications and publications staff. We encourage you to share this information with your friends, family, colleagues, and local and national elected officials via social media, email, or in-person.
  • Drawing a Crowd for Science

    by User Not Found | Jan 26, 2016
    This guest post by Christopher M. Graney explains how the Sigma Xi Louisville Chapter helped to make a public outreach event successful by blending science and history.
  • These Tips Will Help You Choose A Graduate Advisor

    by Jamie Vernon | Dec 09, 2015
    Student with advisor
    Ali Baghchehsara, a student member from Iran, asked for advice from his fellow Sigma Xi members on finding an advisor.
  • October Madness: Raffle Winner

    by User Not Found | Oct 13, 2015
    Affiliate Circle240x187
    It's time to announce the inaugural October Madness raffle winner.
  • October Madness: Announcement of Champions

    by User Not Found | Sep 29, 2015
    After crowd sourcing nominations and four rounds of voting, we announce your Nobel Prize predictions through our inaugural run of October Madness!
  • October Madness: Finals

    by User Not Found | Sep 15, 2015
    Physics Bracket
    The brackets are full for the finals of Sigma Xi's public Nobel Prize prediction contest, October Madness. The only thing left to do is vote!
  • October Madness: Final 4

    by User Not Found | Sep 09, 2015
    We're down to the Final 4 in Sigma Xi's Nobel Prize prediction contest, October Madness! Vote for the scientists you want to see in the semi-finals.
  • Communication, Literacy, Policy: Thoughts on SciComm in a Democracy

    by User Not Found | Sep 03, 2015
    In this guest post, Rick Borchelt explains why he thinks conferences about how to improve science communication are often (almost always) … um, kind of pointless. Borchelt is the communications director for science at the U.S. Department of Energy.
  • October Madness: Elite 8

    by User Not Found | Sep 02, 2015
    We announce the results of the Sweet 16 round, and kick off voting for the Elite 8 round, of October Madness. October Madness is Sigma Xi's just-for-fun, public Nobel Prize prediction contest.
  • October Madness: Sweet 16

    by User Not Found | Aug 25, 2015
    Cast your votes in the Sweet 16 round for October Madness, Sigma Xi's Nobel Prize prediction contest.
  • Are You Ready for October Madness?

    by User Not Found | Jul 24, 2015
    SRC Medal 240x187
    October Madness is a contest in which the public gets to nominate, and vote for, their picks for the 2015 science-related Nobel Prize winners. Send us your nominations by August 11! Voting begins August 25.
  • There are No Alternatives

    by User Not Found | Jul 08, 2015
    Kelly O. Sullivan_PhD Day 240x187
    Guest post by Sigma Xi Past President Kelly O. Sullivan: She took a job outside of academia, but that doesn't mean her career path is "alternative."
  • Calling for a Presidential Debate on Science

    by User Not Found | Jun 11, 2015
    Will voters have a chance to hear the U.S. presidential candidates’ science-related priorities before going to the polls? That’s the primary mission of ScienceDebate. Launched in 2008, this 501c3 nonpartisan, nonprofit initiative works to encourage presidential candidates to attend live science debates and you can submit questions.
  • Seeing the Future of Science

    by User Not Found | May 31, 2015
    What was it like to judge at the largest pre-college science competition in the world? Ask the Sigma Xi members who were there and they will tell you it was inspiring, a glimpse into the future of science, and a privilege.
  • Northeastern Sigma Xi Members Gather at Western Connecticut State University

    by User Not Found | May 28, 2015
    Guest post by Western Connecticut State University Sigma Xi Chapter President Theodora Pinou: The 2015 Northeastern Regional Research Conference was a celebration of interdisciplinary scholarship. Learn about this year's keynote speakers, award winners, and honorees.
  • Why Should They Trust Us?

    by User Not Found | May 20, 2015
    Guest post by Sigma Xi member David Garfinkle: When we ask that the general public believe scientific conclusions, we are essentially asking them to trust us. Why wouldn't they trust us to be honest? And, what should be done to allay these suspicions?
  • Why Sigma Xi Needed to Participate in Women’s History Month

    by User Not Found | May 15, 2015
    “Sigma Xi supports women in STEM”—that was the tagline you saw, placed beneath quotes from six Sigma Xi female members, on the Society’s social media accounts in March. Why did the Society need to participate in Women’s History Month?
  • Canada’s War on “Inconvenient Science”

    by User Not Found | May 12, 2015
    Guest post by Sigma Xi member Alan Emery: Canadian scientists have seen research libraries shuttered, reports and records destroyed, and scientific positions eliminated. Emery, of the University of Toronto Sigma Xi Chapter, shares his vision of how scientists can better defend the research enterprise.

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