October Madness: Finals

by User Not Found | Sep 15, 2015


We're down to the finals in October Madness, Sigma Xi's public Nobel Prize prediction contest!  Vote through Sunday, September 27, until 11:59 p.m. EDT, for the researchers you think are worthy of becoming the inaugural October Madness Champions! We're predicting the Nobel Prizes for physiology or medicine, chemistry, and physics. 

Final 4 voting results are at the bottom of this page. Please share this contest with anyone who may be interested. Remember to use #OctoberMadness on social media! 

Physiology or Medicine

Vote here for your predictions for the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine.

Physiology or Medicine Bracket
The Finals October Madness Physiology or Medicine match-up is:

J. Craig Venter, Francis Collins, and Eric Lander for the human genome sequence
David J. Julius for investigations on the molecular basis for pain and thermosensation


Vote here for your predictions for the Nobel Prize in Chemistry.

Chemistry Bracket
The Finals October Madness Chemistry match-up is:

Harry Gray, Stephen Lippard, Richard Holm for work in bioinorganic chemistry
Michael Grätzel for solar cells


Vote here for your predictions for the Nobel Prize in Physics.

Physics BracketThe Finals October Madness Physics match-up is:

Vera Rubin and Kent Ford for dark matter
Geoffrey Marcy, Michel Mayor, and Didier Queloz for discovery of extrasolar planets

Final 4 Round Results

Physiology or Medicine*



*We had a tie between David J. Julius for investigations on the molecular basis for pain and thermosensation and Kazutoshi Mori and Peter Walter for unfolded protein response pathway. To break it, we looked at how the these researchers would have done if matched in the Elite 8 round. Julius had more votes, so Julius advanced to the finals.

Looking Back

Elite 8 Voting Results

Sweet 16 Voting Results

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