Multiplying the Sound of Your Own Voice

by Jason Papagan | Apr 26, 2022

The following is a guest blog post from Cristina C. Gouin, the director of Sigma Xi's Industry, State, and Federal Laboratories Constituency Group


This year marks a milestone in my relationship with Sigma Xi.  I will be rotating off as Director of the Area Groups, Industry, State and Federal Laboratories Constituency Group after serving 2 terms as Director. Prior to this I was Director of Mid-Atlantic Region for 2 terms, previously serving as Associate Director of both as well. Doing the math, I have served the Society in various leadership roles for 18 years. In addition, I have served as a committee member or committee chair on the Committee for Qualifications and Membership and President of the DC Chapter, and I am currently on the Committee for Finance and ad hoc Committee on Revitalization.

I do not share this to boast – my career and my cup have been filled through service with Sigma Xi.  The camaraderie I have experienced with my fellow Sigma Xi members as well as my "thing," the public understanding of science has kept me involved with this Society. Now more than ever, we need as many loud voices for science as we can find and because Sigma Xi is multi-disciplinary we are able to learn and share knowledge about more fields of research than our own.  That said, I am not becoming an inactive member of Sigma Xi, but we need fresh voices!

If you feel that researchers from across science need to band together, to share their passion and knowledge of science, holding an office in Sigma Xi is a way to multiply the sound of your own voice. Please consider running for office. The job is not difficult or overly time consuming. Help steer Sigma Xi into the future! As we see on TV and social media every single day, there is a serious lack of even the simplest scientific concepts. Your input can help Sigma Xi make a dent in that.

Won’t you nominate yourself or a fellow member today for vacancies for the July 1, 2023 – June 30, 2026 term? Active, full members of Sigma Xi are eligible for office. An inactive member may become active at any time through payment of current dues. Please visit the 2022 Sigma Xi Elections page to learn more about open leadership positions and the duties and responsibilities for each.   

You can view our Strategic Plan and Annual Report to learn more about what your Society is doing. The deadline to submit nominations is June 30, 2022.  Nominations should be sent to


Cristina C. Gouin
Industry, State, and Federal Laboratories Constituency Group

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