Sigma Xi is taking its first steps to help ensure that research in America will continue to attain the highest standards in the coming Trump administration. I call on you now for your participation.
The Society and 28 other research associations signed a letter to President-elect Trump to request a meeting with his transition team. A top priority for the meeting would be to suggest candidates to populate a full array of science and technology posts, such as the positions listed here. See a full list of more than 8,000 positions involved in the transition in the Plum Book.
I would like you to send recommendations of who could fill the research-related posts to Please try to consider the following.
Name submissions should include succinct biographical information, qualifications, and if possible a business photograph.
Realistically speaking, names should also, if possible, carry the active endorsement of the more influential Republican senators (or other high-ranking members of Congress).
An election does not change science. Climate change, for example, is having serious impacts around the world. Sigma Xi will continue to provide the best possible scientific research guidance to our government. One way to ensure the kind of research enterprise that we and the world have come to expect is to make certain that the highest quality people are performing federal research.
Thank you for your dedication to Sigma Xi and to research. We look forward to your nominees.
Kids Science Reading Corner

As we look ahead to 2017, I hope you will continue encouraging the youngsters in your life to read about the wonders of science. We have a wealth of reading suggestions for both younger kids and older kids—everything from Babies Love Quarks to Mind-Boggling Numbers.
If you wish to choose only one, The Way Things Work Now is among the most comprehensive and satisfying science titles for kids in recent memory. A revised and updated classic, it appeals to a wide range of ages with its clear, smart approach to scientific principles and illuminating, whimsical illustrations.

John C. Nemeth, PhD
Executive Director and CEO
Sigma Xi, The Scientific Research Honor Society
Publisher of American Scientist
Sigma Xi Speaks is a monthly series of information that we hope you share with others.