Jamie Vernon
| Dec 20, 2018
In his December message, Sigma Xi Executive Director and CEO Jamie Vernon reflects on the year's research accomplishments and member accomplishments.
Jamie Vernon
| Nov 28, 2018
In his November message to members, Executive Director and CEO Jamie Vernon explains the significance of the Sigma Xi key and invites all members to extend the honor of membership and the key of Sigma Xi to all who embody the qualities sought in our fellow companions, including dedication to research excellence and integrity.
User Not Found
| Oct 05, 2018
The winner of a free year of Sigma Xi membership dues or a year in the Sigma Xi Affiliate Circle is announced as the conclusion of the 2018 run of October Madness, the Nobel Prize prediction contest.
User Not Found
| Sep 25, 2018
The people have spoken about who they predict will win the 2018 Nobel Prizes in chemistry, physics, and physiology or medicine!
User Not Found
| Sep 18, 2018
We're down to the finals of Sigma Xi's Nobel Prize prediction contest, October Madness! Vote through September 23 to pick our champions and enter a raffle for a prize.
User Not Found
| Sep 11, 2018
We're down to the Final 4 of Sigma Xi's Nobel Prize prediction contest, October Madness! Vote to make sure your top picks make it to the finals.
User Not Found
| Sep 06, 2018
Voting is open for the 2018 Nobel Prize prediction contest, October Madness! Voting for this round is open through September 9.
Jamie Vernon
| Sep 04, 2018
The 2018 Annual Meeting agenda has been expanded from primarily Society business to programming that is designed to be both personally enriching and professionally beneficial. Executive Director and CEO Jamie Vernon asks for the Society's feedback about the plans for this year’s event.
User Not Found
| Aug 24, 2018
Sigma Xi's Nobel Prize prediction contest is back and needs your nominations by September 4, 2018!
Jamie Vernon
| May 15, 2018
We’re beginning to see the influence of big data sets, and the technology to process them, in every area of research. A need exists for in-depth conversations about the ethics of data collection, analysis, usage, how we will communicate discoveries when the process is largely computer-driven, and how the current scientific infrastructure system will need to adapt to accommodate big data-based research initiatives.
Jamie Vernon
| Mar 20, 2018
In his March 2018 Sigma Xi Speaks message, Executive Director and CEO Jamie L. Vernon calls on members, affiliates, and explorers to join with their local March for Science events.
Jeff Wehr
| Feb 13, 2018
Sigma Xi member Jeff Wehr is the principal mentor of the Advanced STEM Research Laboratory at Odessa High School in Odessa, Washington. He makes the case that open access publishing would be a benefit to the scientific community by supporting his rural students.
Jamie Vernon
| Jan 23, 2018
Sigma Xi members, affiliates, and explorers discuss critical issues in science as part of the Society’s Quarterly Conversations initiative. In light of the recent government shutdown, this quarter’s discussion will explore how Sigma Xi should represent the research enterprise in the political system.
Aaron Huertas
| Jan 22, 2018
When scientists talk about public policy, they usually focus on the most visible parts of the political process—think presidential speeches and Congressional debates over major legislation. But a great deal of policymaking is done quietly by professional staff at public agencies. Policy experts say well-placed scientific advice can have an outsize impact in these venues.
Tee Guidotti
| Jan 10, 2018
Recently, a conversation thread in Sigma Xi’s online member community, The Lab, asked the decidedly not rhetorical question, “How does Sigma Xi define research?” Past President Tee Guidotti provides the leadership team's perspective.
Jamie Vernon
| Oct 20, 2017
What happens when a university fails to renew a journal subscription that is used by its faculty or publishers charge exorbitant fees to download scholarly articles? One possible solution to disseminating scientific information is open access, a system that makes research articles available to all interested parties at no cost. Sigma Xi members are discussing the pros and cons of this publishing system.
User Not Found
| Oct 05, 2017
The winner of a free year of Sigma Xi membership dues or a year in the Sigma Xi Affiliate Circle is announced.
User Not Found
| Sep 26, 2017
The people have spoken about who they think should win the 2017 Nobel Prizes!
Jamie Vernon
| Sep 21, 2017
Executive Director and CEO Jamie L. Vernon explains how members can contribute to the debate around climate policy.
User Not Found
| Sep 19, 2017
It's the finals of Sigma Xi's Nobel Prize prediction contest, October Madness! Your vote this week is more important than ever because you can help your favorites become October Madness champions, and we added a prize!