A. E. Sutton-Grier
| Nov 08, 2019
Sigma Xi 2019 Young Investigator Award recipient Ariana Sutton-Grier describes research into natural solutions that can be components to climate change mitigation.
Geraldine Richmond
| Oct 28, 2019
Why is diversity so important in science and technology? This question, whether asked or implied, is one we need to counter at all levels. Our growing diversity in science and engineering is our strength.
Surojit Gupta
| Oct 25, 2019
Member Surojit Gupta describes the concept of Circular Economy, an economic model based on designing out waste and pollution, reusing materials, and regenerating natural systems. He also shares his research on innovative novel additive manufacturing and sustainable technologies.
User Not Found
| Oct 15, 2019
The winner of a free year of Sigma Xi membership dues or a year in the Sigma Xi Affiliate Circle is announced.
Jamie Vernon
| Oct 15, 2019
State and local legislators across the United States are threatening science education and alarming teachers by pursuing legislation that challenges fundamental scientific concepts, such as evolution and climate science.
User Not Found
| Oct 03, 2019
The people have spoken about who they predict will win the 2019 Nobel Prizes in chemistry, physics, and physiology or medicine!
User Not Found
| Oct 01, 2019
We're down to the finals of Sigma Xi's Nobel Prize prediction contest, October Madness! Vote through October 3 to pick our champions.
Jamie Vernon
| Sep 25, 2019
Recent emphasis on interdisciplinary research by funders, editors, and policymakers has ignited discussions about the challenges and opportunities of interdisciplinarity. All recognize that interdisciplinarity promotes integrative knowledge and innovation. This presents an opportunity for Sigma Xi's multidisciplinary membership to inspire and support interdisciplinary collaborations.
User Not Found
| Sep 25, 2019
We're down to the Final 4 of Sigma Xi's Nobel Prize prediction contest, October Madness! Vote to make sure your top picks make it to the finals.
User Not Found
| Sep 20, 2019
Voting is open for the 2019 Nobel Prize prediction contest, October Madness! Voting for this round is open through September 24.
User Not Found
| Sep 11, 2019
Sigma Xi's Nobel Prize prediction contest is back and needs your nominations by September 18, 2019!
Jamie Vernon
| Aug 28, 2019
Sigma Xi Executive Director and CEO Jamie Vernon shares his insights about a new report on the American public’s trust in scientists, and areas of opportunity for organizations like Sigma Xi to build public trust. We're ready to move forward: the Board of Directors has approved the establishment of the Committee on Scientific Conduct and Professional Ethics.
User Not Found
| Aug 12, 2019
Sigma Xi members in The Lab online community recently shared advice for students giving their first research poster presentation.
User Not Found
| Jul 29, 2019
When Jayce Turner receives his high school diploma next year, he will wear the Sigma Xi blue and white graduation cords around his neck, a sign of support from the world’s largest scientific and engineering research honor society.
Jamie Vernon
| Jul 16, 2019
As scientists and engineers, we tend to already be a group of quick learners, creative thinkers, and persistent problem solvers, but there is something else that can make each of us a more valuable and effective researcher: leadership skills.
Jamie Vernon
| Jun 18, 2019
The honor of your nomination to Sigma Xi membership is just the beginning of what Sigma Xi can do for you.
Jamie Vernon
| May 21, 2019
As an honor society, Sigma Xi welcomes scientists and engineers as new members to recognize their excellence, or their potential to conduct excellent research. But, how should we define research excellence? And, what’s the point?
Sigma Xi Staff
| May 15, 2019
Last week, a report from the United Nations gave precise detail about how nature and its critical contributions to people are deteriorating worldwide.
User Not Found
| Mar 11, 2019
A member serving as an application reviewer for the National Science Foundation’s (NSF) Graduate Research Fellowship Program has raised concerns about the consequences to the program from the 2018–2019 government shutdown.
Jamie Vernon
| Feb 05, 2019
Sigma Xi is sending a letter to Congress and the White House to encourage them to do what is necessary to avoid another government shutdown.