User Not Found
| Aug 04, 2020
A new book by Sigma Xi member Hannah Margolis helps children and parents learn the basics of viruses as we all face SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19. The book is available for free online.
Jamie Vernon
| Jul 21, 2020
Sigma Xi took multiple actions this month to address issues on behalf of its members and the scientific community. Issues addressed include an Immigration and Customs Enforcement policy that would have affected international students, helping the public understand COVID-19, supporting evidence-based public health guidance, and restricting Facebook advertising.
User Not Found
| Jun 11, 2020
Sigma Xi members share what they did on June 10 to address racial inequalities.
Geraldine Richmond
| May 26, 2020
National Medal of Science Recipient and Sigma Xi President Geraldine Richmond shares five things she has learned about life and having a research career.
User Not Found
| May 21, 2020
Rachael Cusick, an associate producer at Radiolab, spent a year searching for genius. The result is RadioLab Presents: G, a documentary series on the concept of intelligence.
Jamie Vernon
| Apr 21, 2020
Just as the current physical distancing disrupts our natural state of socialized work, higher education has been experiencing a longer period of distancing of its own, one of discipline distancing. As we have each become more specialized, have we moved away from teaching and working in a way that provides the most opportunity for students, scientists, and engineers to advance new knowledge that will improve our world?
User Not Found
| Apr 07, 2020
Students who plan to participate in the Student Research Showcase can get tips for building their websites.
Brian W. Langloss
| Apr 01, 2020
As the world struggles to contain the economic, political, social, and health impacts of the new coronavirus, it is also wrestling with how both online censorship and the open internet have helped the spread of the virus. Duke University's Center on Science & Technology Policy has created a policy brief that provides recommendations for addressing this and the next pandemic.
User Not Found
| Mar 30, 2020
Even if your specific science, technology, engineering, or math isn’t on the front lines of the coronavirus outbreak, you can still contribute to the world’s efforts against COVID-19.
Jamie Vernon
| Mar 18, 2020
Executive Director and CEO Jamie Vernon details the research community's work on the front lines of mitigating the impact of COVID-19, and calls on Sigma Xi members to be ambassadors for science in their communities.
Geraldine Richmond
| Mar 17, 2020
President Geraldine Richmond reminds scientists that they have a role to play in building and maintaining public confidence in the scientific enterprise.
Marijo Kent-First
| Feb 28, 2020
A Sigma Xi chapter is reactivating at one of the Historically Black Colleges and Universities.
Jamie Vernon
| Feb 13, 2020
Executive Director and CEO Jamie L. Vernon shares what Sigma Xi has achieved in support of the research community over the last year and lays out a road map of what the Society plans to accomplish in the years to come.
Geraldine Richmond
| Feb 11, 2020
In today’s competitive workplace, we increasingly seek to measure research impact with quantifiable metrics. Such metrics, however, do not capture the broader impact beyond the publishing arena, writes President Geraldine Richmond.
Geraldine Richmond
| Dec 19, 2019
Members can help carry on Sigma Xi's tradition of mentoring to support the next generation of researchers. President Geraldine Richmond describes the different forms of mentorship and the factors that contribute to effective mentorship.
Jamie Vernon
| Dec 17, 2019
Sigma Xi takes pride in creating an inclusive environment for the creative pursuit of knowledge. We gather together for member and chapter events to connect and build relationships. Research is our common bond, but it’s also important to think about the quality of life that those around us have outside of our work environment.
Jamie Vernon
| Nov 20, 2019
Sigma Xi Executive Director and CEO Jamie Vernon would like to know your science policy priorities, what you have done or would be willing to do to advocate for science, and the kind of role you think Sigma Xi should play to make the biggest difference.
Linda Mantel
| Nov 13, 2019
Linda Mantel is the 2019 recipient of the Evan Ferguson Award for Service to the Society. She shares her insights from her role as a volunteer leader.
Esther Takeuchi
| Nov 11, 2019
Batteries for implantable medical devices must be small, reliable, safe, and long lasting. These characteristics are desirable for other battery applications as well. Thus, the insights gained from extended lifetime medical batteries are providing inspiration to design and improve other types of batteries for multiple types of uses.
Ben Santer
| Nov 11, 2019
Ben Santer's early research contributed to the historic 1995 conclusion of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change: “the balance of evidence suggests a discernible human influence on global climate.” He provides background information on the research surrounding the global climate.